Ownership Review | Mexico Open 2022

Ownership Review | Mexico Open 2022 Ah, the old saying “hindsight is 20/20” has now been turned into an official series. The Ownership Review pieces will come out every Monday by yours truly, and will simply be a recap of the overowned vs. underowned of the week’s event. I’ll also…

The Pivot Point | Mexico Open 2022

The Pivot Point | Mexico Open 2022 Welcome to the “revitalized” Pivot Point series. I always enjoy reading these types of articles, and now it’s my pleasure to begin writing them. The message is simple. You cannot (or there’s a very, very slim chance) win a GPP by simply plugging…

Mexico Open 2022 DraftKings Preview

Mexico open 2022 DraftKings Preview new stop on the pga tour unvieled in mexico We’re back to regularly scheduled programming after a bit of a “break” week. The Zurich Classic was entertaining but it is a weird dynamic and doesn’t leave much to be desired when the two studs set…